Thank you so much for your book, After Armaeggeddon, I really enjoyed it? Found it very interesting and helpful. Thank you so much for writing it.
Thank you so much for this web site . . .
Thank you for such a good Kingdom-minded approach to prophecy and events. Our minister, a messianic rabbi, is teaching us to look at things from a perspective of the kingdom of God and its application to our lives. Your page on the revelation in the stars is really good.
Why has the Christian community largely neglected this truth? The outline of the thread of Redemption given in the heavenly revelation provides a good outline framework to make one think of the Redeemer and Redemption more than just facts of religion. Also prophecy and fulfillment. In 1984-85, when I was first invited to a Bible study at lunch at work, the idea of prophecy and fulfillment was something that God used to get my attention. Thank You very much for all the very earnest and sincere hard work put forth in this great material. It is really appreciated by me, and I'm sure, very many others. Thank you once again for all the time and effort you invested in it.
Touching, revealing, enlightening, and most of all encouraging to the seed in my heart that is growing to become more spiritual and in touch with our loving father. Thank you for all of your endeavors, your gift that you share with others, you are truly blessed and gifted.
Your words are a gift to all...My personal thanks for answering every question I've had!
I really enjoyed reading your AFTER ARMAGEDDON 5. "The rest of the story:written in the sky". Question? Is there more to your story I might have missed? If so please let me know, I am very interested.
I found your writings very interesting . . . Thanks for all the info, I enjoyed it immensely!
I'm the senior pastor of an independent Bible church (Dallas Seminary grad), and I've just finished speed-reading your 18 chapters. Awesome job. I appreciate your honest and balanced viewpoints, though leaning in a dispensational direction. Keep up the good work! I do disagree with a few details, such as the crucifixion in AD 33 instead of 29 (cf. Harold Hoehner's book), but I am very impressed with your work.
Very interesting and straight from Our Fathers Word.
It has helped me immensely! I now have a new sense of comfort and peace of mind.
Just wanted to let you know I am enjoying your website. I am a college student, and with all the junk that is going on the Net, it is refreshing to see a biblically based site.
Excites the mind and soul . . .
How do I get into the rest of the Bible study? [All chapters now online. Ed. Note] I know I am new to the internet and computers but I can't find where to click to get the rest of this and I gotta have it!
You have made a bold statement through much reason and understanding. I am very happy 2 know that the analogy and metaphors of the Old Testament have been so revealing to U. I love it. Keep in touch. Shalom.
I wanted you to know that your work for GOD is very much appreciated and really strengthens me and others like me. The blood of those that haven`t heard or given the chance to accept Christ is going to be on our hands. You are doing your part and then some so keep up the good work. God Bless us All!
Have read the first three chapters and am extremely interested... Thank you for all the digging and hard work. I have asked myself most of the same questions you have. I seriously doubt we'll sit around on clouds strumming our harps, so exactly what will we be doing. God bless you in your endeavors...
I just got through reading your info on this subject. Thank you for taking time to put it on the "net". I'm sure many people will appreciate reading it, once they know about it.
You are a gifted teacher and writer, and you impart an electrifying vision of the Kingdom of God that all Christians should see as clearly!I just wanted to drop you a note to tell you, thanks and that I truly enjoyed your work. I must agree with you that far too much time is spent focused on simply the second coming and very little is spent looking at what happens after Christ comes and why we are doing the work of God for. Keep up the good work.
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Last modified: Friday February 19 2016
After Armageddon © 1983, 1996 John A. Sarkett All rights reserved.
Portions may be quoted with proper attribution and credit.