It is the glory of God to conceal a thing
But the honor of kings is to search out a matter. Prov. 25:2

Christian and Prophecy Links

After Armageddon
Comprehensive Bible study on the afterlife and what happens after Armageddon. eBook version available on-site.
Armageddon Books
World's largest bookstore on Bible prophecy..
Basic Training Bible Ministries
Teaching and relevant news about prophecy and Israel updated daily.
Bible Gateway
Excellent resource.
Bible Prophecy
Large links page.
Lessons on the key issues of life, including last-days prophecy. Reviews of Christian music.
Resource for a variety of business and personal interests - all from a Christian perspective.
Cutting Edge Ministries
Site covers The New World Order; 100 transcripts from popular radio program.
Lambert Dolphin
Dolphin's interests range from science and archaeology to Israel and prophecy.
Information about Texe Marrs' books and Flashpoint, their free monthly newsletter.
The Gates
Website for Hatikva Ministries - Jewish feasts, The Temple, The Red Heifer
Grace Through Faith
Commentary from Jack Kelley.
Hal Lindsey Oracle
Commentary from Hal Lindsey.
Jack Van Impe Ministries
News, commentary.
Jeremiah Project
This is a call to repentance and preparation. Various topics related to prophecy are considered.
Koinonia House
News, commentary from Chuck Missler.
Lamb and Lion Ministries
Helpful articles about various aspects of prophecy and links to other sites.
Midnight Cry Ministries
Find helpful information from back issues of their "Midnight Cry Messenger."
Omega Letter
Jack Kinsella on prophecy.
Prophecy on Line - Grant Jeffrey Ministries
Jeffrey offers current intelligence notes relating to prophecy and information about his many books, tapes and videos.
The Prophecy Club
Supports their radio ministry and newsletter
Prophecy In The News
J.R. Church presents "Prophecy In the News," illustrations, audio clips, more.
Prophecy and Current Events
Prophecy news, commentary.
Prophecy On The Web
Prophecy news, commentary.
Prophecy news, commentary.
Rapture Index
Todd Strandberg's site tracks current events as they relate to the Rapture.
Revelation Files
Revealing Bible prophecy as it happens.  From John Terry.
Temple Mount
Features on the past, present, and future of the Temple, including scientific and archaeological research about the location of the First and Second Jewish Temples, and various possibilities about the location of the coming Temple.
The Coming Chastisement
Roman Catholic view of the last days, quotes from ancient church authorities and modern interpretations.
The Ultimate Deception
Built around author Frank L. Caw's book, this site suggests Antichrist will come from Lebanon.
Troy Koehne Ministries
Commentary from Troy Koehne.
Zola Levitt
Jewish perspective on Bible prophecy.

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Sunday March 09 2025 CHICAGO Last modified: Friday February 19 2016
After Armageddon © 1983, 1996 John A. Sarkett All rights reserved. Portions may be quoted with proper attribution and credit.
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