Thanks for traversing the text of After Armageddon with us. If you have never committed your life to Jesus Christ, now is a great time. Simply pray this prayer from your heart:
Lord God of the ivory palaces in heaven, in whose very image I am made, I have read of the things you have prepared for those that love you. I believe they will come to pass, and I want to be a part of that future. I want to know for certain that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth to pay the full price of my sins, and I accept Him into my life now, as my Lord and Saviour. I confess my past sins, and repent of them now, becoming an entirely new creature, your very own child.
Thank you for giving me salvation. Thank you for taking care of me in this life forever after now, as a Father cares for his little children, and thank you, Father, for the great future you have planned for me.
In the name of Jesus, the firstborn among many brothers and sisters . . . Amen.