Comprehensive. Violin Scale Charts presents all major and minor (melodic) scales and arpeggios in two octaves. It uses various positions I-IV. Eight charts per page.
Scales become easy to remember. VSC will help you and-or your student master scales and arpeggios quickly and easily. Violin Scale Charts show scale and arpeggio patterns in graphic, chart form. This makes them easy to learn, easy to remember.
Pays for itself. Violin Scale Charts pays for itself in lesson time many times over: it helps the student quickly master the basics, and move efficiently and securely, with excellent intonation, to more difficult exercises and repertory.
Lies flat on your stand. VSC is spiral-bound to lie flat on your music stand.
Noted editors. Edited by distinguished educators, including faculty members of the Music Center of the North Shore, Winnetka, IL, Dr. Milton Goldberg, Suzuki teacher and orchestra conductor Kathleen Paramore, as well as Klaus Pfefferkorn, Conductor, Bludenz (Austria) Youth Orchestra.
More expression, more confidence. While every effort has been made to make this graphic reference work authoritative, it must be noted that there is no single, one and only, and exclusively "correct" way to finger a scale. Should your teacher differ with anything presented here, please follow his/her approach.
One of the greatest benefits of using Violin Scale Charts, especially at the elementary level, will be to build a strong and secure "4" finger, a more beautiful tone, and stronger and more confident expression. As a musician who happens to play the violin, expression is what you are all about anyway, isn't it? Have fun with these charts. They will make you a more expressive, more confident musician.
Questions? E-mail to me via j a s at option dash wizard dot com. Please include your name, address, phone, fax and e-mail addresses.
Special feature:
For The Visual Learner
Sample Chart: Second Position
Sample Chart: Melodic Minor Scales
To order:
Price Secure Online Store $14.95 Violin Scale Charts™ or Viola or Cello Scale Charts™ PDF file. All 50+ charts as per above, 2 charts per page. Print your own copy. Order and receive same or next business day by return email.
Any problem, email jas at option dash
plus s/h
New ! Violin Scale Charts™, plus bonus Viola Sale Charts™, as well, color laminate cover, perfect bound, 68 pages, special price direct from the publisher vs. Amazon $24.95, $19.95 plus $3.99 shipping/handling.
$44.44 Violin Scale Charts™ (new version) by mail to foreign lands. Or Viola or Cello. Check Amazon as well for discount prices. $99.95 Teachers license to reprint a copy of Violin Scale Charts™ for up to 10 students. (Want a license to reproduce for more students? Please inquire by email.
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Last modified:Monday July 08 2024
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